9 Mar 2016

Maud sight "Choosing Maracas" with indication of the thickness of armor for World of tanks 0.9.14 WOT

Updated patch for World of tanks 0.9.14 WOT
Many players are closely watching the work of the famous World vododela Marakasi tanks. Some of the players pay attention to the scope, which is often flashed on the video recordings. By popular demand, successful mododelov Andre_V went to meet gamers and took the realization of this aim.

Maud sight "Choosing Maracas" for World of tanks 0.9.14 WOT has a balanced design chip which is to indicate the thickness of armor. By itself, the sight is quite minimalistic, executed in light green tones, mixing and recharge feature animation, there are no foreign elements interfere with normal sight.

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